Thursday, January 31, 2013

Tassimo Espresso - Tassimo Cappuccino + 5 Fun Coffee Drinks You Can Make In A Standard Coffee Maker..

There's no doubt about it - coffee is the number one drink of choice for americans. While you most likely have your favorite cup of joe for your typical morning consumption, the true coffee lover is always looking for something a little different and exciting. The more creative you get with coffee however the more difficult it can be to make it yourself. For example if you feel like a cappuccino you will either have to soldier down to your local starbucks or have something just a little fancier on the kitchen counter than the old Mr. coffee maker you got back in college.

Fortunately for you technology has come a long way in the past few years and you can get a Tassimo Coffee Maker that can handle pretty much any coffee concoction that you can think of and also hot chocolate and tea if you feel the urge. What's really cool about these machines is that you don't have to measure anything. The machine reads a little barcode from what is called a "t-disc" that contains the coffee and it goes to work carefully calculating the exact amount of water needed, the temperature for the specific beverage that you chose, and the brewing time. The whole process takes around 30-60 seconds - that's it, you have the perfect espresso or cappuccino!

If you don't have a tassimo coffee maker you can still have some fun and spice up your coffee with some really cool recipes that can make your standard coffee maker a little more fun.

Here's some fun recipes for you:

1.Mexican coffee is good at any hour of the day. All you need is a teaspoon of cinnamon, sprinkled over your coffee in the basket portion of your brewer. Brew as usual, pour into a big mug and add about two to three tablespoons of whipped cream, according to your taste. On top of the whipping cream, sprinkle just a pinch of nutmeg. Drink from the mug, or sip with a straw. Delicious!

2.Elegant coffee drink recipes need not be fussy to succeed! Make a pot of your favorite brew, a bit stronger than usual. Add un-whipped whipping cream, right from the carton. Rich, elegant and easy. Yes, there are a few extra calories involved, but it's oh, such a treat.

3.After dinner coffee drink recipes can do double duty as dessert. Coffee and Kahlua(R) is just such a recipe. Just add a shot of Kahlua to a mug of coffee and top it off with whipped cream. This coffee drink can be served hot or cold. In either case, provide each diner with a spoon to mix as desired – or not. It's delicious both ways.

4.Irish coffee is a classic winner. Traditionally served in special Irish coffee mugs, which are thinner than a regular cup, tall and with a handle, it's a snap to make. Pour in a shot of good quality Irish whiskey, then pour the hot coffee in, leaving enough room for a good dose of whipped cream. Sip and enjoy! As with many of the hot after dinner coffee drink recipes, this one is great on a chilly evening.

5.Iced coffee drink recipes require a few minutes of advance preparation for the perfect cup. Make an extra strong pot of coffee and allow to cool. Freeze the coffee in ice trays. When frozen, you can bag it up in a freezer bag for instant access at serving time. A few hours before you plan to serve, make a pot of regular strength coffee. Allow to cool and refrigerate in a plastic container with a pouring spout. Fill a tall glass with the coffee cubes, pour the cold coffee over and garnish with whipped cream. Drizzle caramel sauce over the whipped cream.

So now you have five new coffee drink recipes to enjoy year 'round, from morning 'til night.

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